
Conference announcement

“Ecological Effects of Environmental Change”


22 June 2012

CNRS Auditorium – Campus Gérard Mégie

3, rue Michel-Ange - 75016 Paris, France



Changes in the biology and distribution of plants and animals are occurring in a large number of aquatic and terrestrial groups. Many of these changes are rapid: in some cases geographical distributions are changing, species are at risk of extinction, and conversely, other species have become invasive or agricultural pests. At larger scales, climate change is reverberating through communities and ecosystems based on indirect effects, which are mediated by species interactions.


Remarkable progress has been made in understanding the fundamental science of these processes, and in predicting the effects on species persistence, life-history traits, and biodiversity. Much of this progress has been published in Ecology Letters.


The CNRS and “Ecology Letters” will be sponsoring a conference on the 22nd of June in Paris with the aim that major contributors to the ecological effects of environmental change will present their latest findings, and participate in discussions with researchers and post-doctoral students about important unanswered questions, and cutting-edge approaches to answering them.




We will have presentations by Drs Chris Thomas (University of York, UK), Jonathan Chase (USA), Jean-Michel Gaillard (Lyon, CNRS), Andrew Hector (University of Zurich, CH), Nancy Johnson (Arizona University, US), Michel Loreau (Moulis, CNRS & McGill University, Canada), Hélène Morlon (Saclay, CNRS), Camille Parmesan (Texas University, US & Plymouth University, UK), Peter Thrall (CSIRO, Australia), and Wilfried Thuiller (Grenoble, CNRS).



Round table discussion

“Current issues and future approaches in environmental change ecology”

The “round table" discussion will be animated by the current and former Chief Editors of Ecology Letters, Marcel Holyoak and Michael Hochberg.




Registration is mandatory and free :


Call for poster contributions

Call of poster contributions ended.

A poster exhibition will be on display throughout the conference.

The proposed posters must present original results related to the conference themes.

Proposals should provide the list of author names and affiliations (contact author must be identified), followed by an abstract of 400 words maximum.

Proposals should be sent by April 30 to

Contact authors will be notified by May 15 of the acceptance or rejection of their proposals. 

Posters should be in English, A0 "portrait" format (1189 x 841 mm).


A final PDF file of the poster should be sent by email to by May 30.

Posters will be printed out on site by conference organizers.

Posters should include the list of author names and affiliations, and the contact author must be identified. 



For more information, please refer to the conference web page :

Contact :



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